

Printer Troubleshooting 101: How to Fix 8 Common Print Device Problems

Nothing is more frustrating than running into printing problems—and usually it’s right before a tight deadline or the end of a long day. Whether you can’t get rid of streaky lines on your documents, old machines keep breaking down, network connections fail, or you’re consistently running into pesky jams, any issue can pile up, eat into your precious time, and even affect the bottom line.


Work-Life Balance? How about Life Balance.

In today’s often-stressful job environment, we hear a lot of talk about “work-life balance.” This way of thinking places an emphasis on finding the “perfect” balance between work and life.


Why Meditating At Work Is Good For Your Health

The habit of meditation is linked to some of the most successful individuals in the world. Increasingly, business leaders view it as an essential practice, citing benefits like increased creativity, better relationships, and improved health.