What To Consider With an HP MPS Program

HP is one of the most popular printer brands that MPS providers utilize when managing print environments. HP has 5 different classes of printers and multi-function devices. They range all the way from desktop printers at the small consumer level all the way up to multi-function devices that service large departments.  

If you are seriously contemplating an MPS program, you need a partner that can assess your needs to give you solutions that will ensure you get the most practical usage out of your devices and guarantee you will receive the longest lifecycle possible for them.

Here are the top 3 things you should be looking for when picking an HP fleet with an MPS provider:

1. What is the lifecycle of the print devices

Make sure your prospective MPS provider is mindful of each print device’s lifecycle and they are doing everything it can to enhance it. The typical lifecycle for an HP device is 3 to 5 years.

An ideal MPS provider will help you to figure out how to expand the longevity of each device. For example, if you are nearing the completion of a 3-year contract and your printers are still in excellent shape and well under their monthly utilization, an extraordinary provider will extend your contract for 2 more years.

This helps you save money that you would have invested in new devices.

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2. How much will you use print devices? 

When you first meet with your potential MPS provider to talk about HP devices, the first question they ask you should be: “What do you expect your monthly usage to be?”

When you ask them how long their suggested devices will last, they should sit down with you and calculate how many pages you will print monthly according to the Recommended Monthly Page Volume (RMPV) for each HP device.

When taking into consideration the length of your contract, this will show you exactly how many pages you should be printing each month to assure that your devices are not under or over-utilized.

3. Where will the print devices be located in the office?

Is your potential MPS provider focused on strategically placing your HP devices throughout your work environment? That means removing redundant devices and completing a printer optimization strategy for each department.

So, if your accounting department prints far more copies per month than your human resources department, your MPS provider should place an HP device with a higher RMPV in the accounting department.

imageOne can help you make the best decision for your work environment and budget, and provide efficient and cost-effective HP-managed print services. Schedule a complimentary, no-strings-attached consultation today.
