When assessing your technological environment for potential cyber-attacks, your office printer is probably not the first thing that comes to mind – most people would never suspect an unprotected print device could put your organization’s security at risk.
Unfortunately, hackers are taking advantage of the fact that IT departments focus entirely too much on other endpoints that leave their printers vulnerable to cyber-attacks. According to Tektonika Magazine, 56 percent of companies ignore printers in their endpoint security strategy and do not see printers as a high-security risk.
With just a single unsecured printer, you could be compromising the security of your entire network. HP Enterprise devices can automatically self-heal from attacks. Through the use of embedded security features, these devices provide the highest level of protection against malicious activity on your devices.
HP printers have some of the industry’s most robust security features – check out these four key technologies that keep HP Enterprise printers constantly on guard:
1. HP Sure Start
HP Sure Start is a set of boot instructions that are used to initiate firmware and load critical hardware components. HP Sure Start technology works by validating the computer instructions in the firmware that control input/output operations (also known as BIOS) integrity at startup.
This means it can automatically detect, stop, and recover from any BIOS attack or corruption without having to ever notify your IT department. Whenever you turn your computer on, HP Sure Start validates the integrity of the BIOS code to safeguard your computer from malicious attacks.
2. Whitelisting
This feature will check for authentic firmware that has been digitally signed by HP. This is an important feature that will help ensure the code that synchronizes printer functions, security and control have not been compromised. During startup, firmware is automatically checked during startup so that any intrusion will cause the device to reboot offline to a secure state that will notify your IT department.
3. Run-time Intrusion Detection
Run-time intrusion detection (RTID) will help you to protect your devices when they are powered on and connected to the network to detect any potential malware intrusion that occurs in your system memory. Your devices are most vulnerable when they are powered on and secured to your network, so with RTID, your firmware will run in the background to validate your memory space and reboots if your device has been compromised.
4. HP Connection Inspector
This feature helps to inspect any outbound network connections that are usually vulnerable to malware attacks. It will help to determine what is typical, and if any suspicious activity occurs, it will trigger a reboot automatically without any intervention from your IT department.
Interested in finding out more about HP’s line of self-healing printers? we are an HP Platinum Business Partner that can help answer your questions.
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